
Learnings, teachings, challenges and tips & tricks for anyone to reference.

Erik Erik

The Noble Art Of Shutting The F#ck Up

When we struggle to shut up, say hello to our old friend Mr Ego. He's trying to compensate for our insecurities with a façade of words. Here’s an exercise for you to grow in becoming a better listener.

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Erik Erik

The Dark Side Of Spiritual Growth

There's a catch with spiritual work. Don't step out of the matrix, just to step into another one. Truly waking up means dealing with the world in its entirety. It does not mean getting stuck in some alternate reality where's it's nice, cosy and comfortable and everyone thinks and feels like you.

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Erik Erik

How To Open Up A Guy

We men have a hard time getting to grips with our emotions. Let alone, talk about them. Many of us just don't want to talk about it. But if you DO want to talk about it, how do you get him to do so when he doesn't want to?

Here’s the general rule: don't push him. It will only make him angry & frustrated. Instead, invite, trust, assure, support him to open up.

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Erik Erik

The Gray Area In #metoo

There’s a massive grey area in #metoo. It's not populated by Harvey Weinsteins, but rather by men that intend well, but lack self-awareness, skill and experience.

The man that feels he's being a good old casanova, brave enough to drop some well-meant compliments, intending to make her feel good, while the woman feels intimidated, violated, unsafe or uncomfortable.

It's a clusterfuck of good intentions paving the road to hell. It's time to rewrite the script.

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Erik Erik

The Mass Of Men Lead Lives Of Quiet Desperation

Life has endless possibilities in store for those who are willing to distance themselves from what is normal. For those who will not be limited by the conventions and perceptions of humanity. Even if “everyone is doing it.”

We can stick to that which is familiar to us—the 'old life' of safety, conditioning, fear, and ultimately despair. Or we can take a bold, perhaps terrifying leap into unknown territory, no matter the cost.

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Erik Erik

Emotional First Aid

We men tend to want to comfort, fix and neutralize problems. We're problem solvers. But in relating, we need to learn how to deal with the discomfort of distress. When your partner is in distress, do this: VALIDATE their experience.

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Erik Erik

Do What You Say

In the development of our healthy masculine, "doing what you say" is paramount. It radiates integrity, conscientiousness, commitment, perseverance, reliability, loyalty, responsibility, courageousness, self-discipline, ambitiousness and thoroughness. Not only towards other people, but also towards oneself. And all of these traits are precursors to wellbeing & happiness as well!

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Erik Erik

The #1 Mistake Men Make When Dating Women

Many men take the shortcut by hitting on a woman way too early, unwillingly transmitting their neediness, greediness or simply an incapacity to connect in an healthy manner. Women don't necessarily mind getting hit on. As long as you don't do it in a bad way.

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