The #1 Mistake Men Make When Dating Women

The #1 mistake men make when dating women is hitting on her before she’s attracted to him.

Many men take the shortcut by hitting on a woman way too early, unwillingly transmitting their neediness, greediness or simply an incapacity to connect in an healthy manner. Women don't necessarily mind getting hit on. As long as you don't do it in a bad way 😉.

Instead of trying to get something from her, do this: be playful, make her laugh, make her feel seen, show interest in who she is & what she feels. Hold space for her and lead her into her personal spotlight, where she can shine. The feminine desires the masculine to hold space for her so she can splash in all directions like the wild sea. She wants to be led, so she can let go, surrender and radiate.

Release yourself of having any intention and any goal. Simply feel into her and just enjoy every bit of her presence, her femininity. Charge yourself with her energy, and gift yours back to her. Play with your words, your eyes, your touch, your body, move her and she will move to you.

And then, when the time is right, she'll actually want you to 'hit on her'.

In service of the betterment of men,


Do What You Say