Why We Pursue Polarity

sexy couple

No matter what belief, teaching or religion you follow, in the end, our deepest desire is to come home again to who we really are.

That means being complete beings, every part of ourselves accepted and embraced without feeling a grain of shame for it.

This is the integrated human.

But soon after we're born, we become fragmented. As Eve was made out of Adam's rib: “bone of [his] bone, and flesh of [his] flesh”, he was rendered incomplete, and he disintegrated. What was taken from him, yearns to return to become whole again.

On the opposite side, Eve was taken from Adam and separated from home, not lesser nor better, not above nor beneath, not behind nor in front of him, but at his side, as his equal.

We're all made from the same thing, but were forcefully made to let go of parts of ourselves at an early age. But our gut knows better - we are one. And if you cannot relate to this knowing, plan a date with Mama Ay4hu4sc4 and she will tell you.

The disintegration robbed us and made us incomplete. We grew up, not fully being who we once were. That's why we yearn so deeply to melt with the other gender - to be whole again.

By developing and increasing polarity with our partner, we paradoxically are trying to attract the experience that we had to let go of when we were little but now through someone else. Many of us dedicate our lives to getting pulled back into unity, desiring to be unable to withstand the combined, mutual attraction of masculine and feminine.

Because deep down, we desire to be whole again. Not merely being masculine, nor feminine, but rather a fully integrated, complete human being, all ribs included.

In service of the betterment of men,
Erik, Mentor of Men


Microtransgressions In Intimacy


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